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[ongeki,api] support ongeki rival

Mikira Sora requested to merge (removed):ongeki2dev into master

There is a new properties in :

## Limit rival list size for per user, it will be unlimited if this value <= 0 (CAUTION!).

There is first time I code with Java (and its frameworks), maybe some codes are bad for reading, please take a code review.

PR contains migration files for Sqlite/mysql/MariaDB , Sqlite/MariaDB are tested and passed, mysql didn' test.

Currently this function is working with sddt1.35 ,some users are also using without any problem.

Users can add/delete rivals though web page in aqua-viewer.

pic image

Adding rival is a one-way operation (means rival user won't add user automatically).

Edited by Mikira Sora

Merge request reports
